How to join the Rotary Club of San Marcos
1. Send us an email at and tell us you are interested in learning more about Rotary.
2. We will invite you to have lunch as our guest at our weekly Wednesdays meetings at noon. Come a couple of times and experience the meetings and meet some Rotarians. Rotarians are young and old, men and women, of all races and ethnicities, and from many different professions, businesses, and trades.
3. If you decide you want to join tell one of the Rotarians. He or she will fill out a short form with your basic information and propose you as a member.
4. Membership is approved by the club's Board of Directors. You will be promptly notified when you are approved and we will induct you into the club at a regular meeting.
5. What does membership cost? The basic membership is $50 a month which pays for Rotary District and International dues and a subscription to the Rotary Magazine. If you want to eat lunch at the meetings that is an additional $10 a week. That is up to you. Occasionally donations will be solicited for service projects, but giving is also voluntary.
6. When you become a Rotarian you join more than 1.4 million people in 33,000 clubs around the world. You become a part of the oldest service organization, dating back to 1905. The San Marcos Club dates back to 1921. We hope to see you soon!
Membership Nomination Form
Part A: To be completed by sponsoring member and given to Club Secretary
I nominate:
Name (Please include applicable titles and/or suffixes.):
Current (or former) employer:
Position Title:
Home Address: (Include City/State/Zip):
Cell/Mobile phone:
Email address:
Business Address (Include City/State/Zip):
Email address:
Preferred phone: □ Home □ Cell/Mobile □ Business
Preferred email: □ Home □ Business
Preferred mailing address: □ Home □ Business
Membership type proposed: □ Active □ Honorary
Proposed Classification: ______________________________
[A Rotary classification is their vocation (past or present.)
If a transferring or former Rotarian,
Previous Rotary Club: Dates of Membership:
RI membership ID number (if known):
Past RI program participant or RI Foundation alum, list program(s) and date(s)
Activities that would enhance their consideration as a Rotarian (for honorary nominations, cite meritorious service):
Discuss Rotary dues/month: $50/mo. dues and (optional $10/meal)
Date of Birth (optional):
Partner’s first name (if applicable):
Children's Names (and their ages if under 18):
Proposer’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________
Part B: To be completed by the Club Secretary
Action on Proposal
Received by Secretary
Submitted to Board
Board Decision (within 30 days of original submission)
□ Approved □ Not Approved
Notified Sponsor member by Board (Reading to Club begins)
New member signs Membership Nomination Form Part B (below)
Induction scheduled
Rotary orientation session held
(with invitation to new member)
Membership Nomination Form
Part B: To be completed by proposed member AFTER board approval & Club appproval following readings
I hereby certify that I am qualified for (check one):
□ Active membership
□ Honorary membership
I prefer to receive the Rotarian magazine:
□ Mail
□ Digital
Membership Dues: $50/month Meals Optional: at $ 10/meal
Guest Pay $15/meal
I understand that, if accepted for membership to the Rotary Club of San Marcos, it will be my duty to exemplify the Object of Rotary in all my daily contacts and activities and to abide by the constitutional documents of Rotary International and the club. I agree to pay membership dues in accordance with the bylaws of the club. I hereby give permission to the club to publish my name and proposed classification to its membership.
Proposed Member ’s Signature: ____________________________ Date: _______
(Returned Signed Form to Club Secretary)
Club Secretary
Actions for membership
Acquire new member packet, including membership pin
Submitted data to Club Runner database
Synced to Rotary International database